
Friday, 25 September 2015

FiaFia Night

Yesterday we had a massive fundraiser for our year 6 and year 7 camp next year.
I was in one of the performances, I was not nervous at all because I was in the back line.
The best part was seeing my other friends dancing with big smiles on their faces.
The most nerve racking part was dancing in front of people, some I knew and some I didn't.
My mother did a hard job of selling the samoan food, but she didn't see me perform.
It was the most best times I ever had!


Setaita M said...

WOW Gary that a nice job but you still did it in your performance and
your Mum was good at selling the Samoan food. And by the way im Setaita from Glenbrae Schoo your cousinl

Setaita M said...
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