
Friday, 23 October 2015


Introduction: Today I am going to tell you about the sun.
Did you know that the sun 110 x wider than earth. If your’e looking forward to learning more about the sun read closely and you will find out more things.

Heat: The surface of the  sun is known to be estimated at about 6000 degrees celsius well the centre of the sun is 28 million degrees celsius. The hottest day in NZ is only about 30 degrees celsius.

Energy and Light: The sun is made out of gas like helium and hydrogen. Which means there is no  oxygen on the sun, the closest planet to the sun is Mercury there is also no oxygen there because it is to close to the sun. But on Earth where in the right spot where we can grow things and eat things too.

Size and Distance: The sun is 1 million miles wide and is 149,600,000 miles away from the earth. which means it will take about 6 - 7 days to get to it. No one has ever been near the sun but I think I will be the next person in years to go there.

Interesting Facts: The sun is four and a half million years old and is the center of our solar system. Without the sun nothing on this earth will exist. The sun also puts out energy to our solar system.

Now that you have learnt things that I know about the sun you can go and tell a friend. The end

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