WAL: about the different key food groups.
Here is a DLO that contains the four different food groups here in new Zealand. For the past two days I have been away at home sick and coming back to school having to finish this work isn't easy. But as I was working through this I found some facts that I have never found/heard of before. Like I didn't know that we need Fat because Fat helps your body cells grow, and produce important hormones! I put down some Cultural food my country like to nourish themselves with, for me I think that from now on, I should achieve my 'goal' for this year; not to eat food that contains too much Sugar and Fat.
Something that I enjoyed while completing this task is that I was able to find out some new facts about Carbs, Protein and Fat and I got to find out what and why we need these things.
A challenge I found was sometimes answering the questions because at times the internet doesn't help you.
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