
Thursday, 29 June 2017

Get off the couch, teens: Exercise could help reduce diabetes risk

IALA: Exercising can help reduce the risk of diabetes for Teenagers. 

Did you know that carrying out exercise can help reduce the risk of diabetes developing for children later in their lives. A study led by the University of Exeter found that physical activity provides the greatest benefits to fighting adolescent insulin resistance, a condition which leads to high blood sugar and is a precursor to type 2 diabetes. But researchers found while exercise made a difference at the age of 13, it made no impact on insulin resistance at the age of 16, which is something that blew their minds away. They published their findings in the journal Diabetologia, suggested that early teens should be targeted for reducing diabetic levels. 

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Researchers also measured insulin resistance in the same 300 children every year from the age of nine through to 16 using electronic motion sensors worn by the child. The results showed that the condition was 17 per cent lower in the more active adolescents at the age of 13, meaning those who don't exercise regularly and aren't fit have a more chance of getting diabetes.  But those who are active daily, have a 17% chance less. But the difference diminished quickly over the years and had disappeared by the age of 16 . 
Image result for diabetes

WOW! This article is like something that is fake, and not true. Luckily for me I am a fit and active kid and therefore don't want to receive diabetes later in my life. My brothers aren't so active so I will teach them to be active and always be on the looking out for their blood sugar levels. We should care for our body and therefore it is a sacred creation.

"Insulin resistance rises dramatically from age nine to 13 years, then falls to the same extent until age 16," he said.
"Our study found that physical activity reduced this early-teenage peak in insulin resistance, but had no impact at age 16."
A reduction in this peak could lessen the demand on the cells that produce insulin during this critical period, which may preserve them for longer in later life, Dr Metcalf said.

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Fitness Reflection

IALT: Talk about what I did and what I learnt and achieved during fitness. 

Today for Fitness it was more tiring than the other days because me Sifa, and Demetrius decided to go for another lap around the bike track to help support the others who were still behind. Jogging after we already had one was beginning to ache in my legs but I pushed my body to keeping going until I reached the finish line. My heart kept pumping and pumping as I kept jogging, I couldn't bother to run because if I did I knew I would've got a cramp, and a cramp really hurts. 

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Jose was last person behind the whole squad, and I thought he was going to be way in front of us but in the end we ended up catching up to him just about 24 metres behind. I never knew it was going to end in that spectacular result, but then and there I realised something , if I could do 2 laps a day I could become fitter and more used to the track. The first lap I came in 1:15 seconds, so that's why we decided to go for another.

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We came in at the time of 4:25 seconds, which isn't too bad but not for my speed and agility. 
My calves were pumping, blood flowing through my veins like the current of a river. Squats was ok, but the same result kept happening, the burning feeling of my legs. I did the complete full minute and therefore I was proud of myself. 

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Shuttle running is one of my favourite exercises, but I didn't bother to run but set myself at a manageable pace so I could keep going. It didn't matter if we came first or last because in the end the only thing is about getting yourself fitter and stronger for the next day. 

A challenge I found was when we had to both step up as leaders and tell the kids to line up and also the second lap around the track. I know I can do it, and therefore  I will manage myself at a pace where nothing can stop me.

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Technology Reflection

IALT: Write about what I learnt and did during Technology.

Today I moved on from drafting to actually doing a design for scanning , and another shape of a shield with the patterns that I want on my design, it took me about 5 minutes to think of my design and when I finally got it, I knew I wasn't going to regret it. As a big Queensland fan of the Maroons side I wrote the letters QLD , and then a cross in the middle to represent the church and that I believe in Jesus Christ. 

The hard thing about this was when I had to trace the shield around the box where the clock mechanism is going through. I was glad with my work and I didn't want to regret what I did because I believe in things that Jesus Christ did and is still doing to make this Earth a better place when he comes again. 

In these picture I am working with my peers , we help each other when we're stuck and find it hard to do something. Coming to the designs we didn't quite get it, and didn't know what to do. Until we actually understood at found out that we did it completely wrong, instead of starting all over again we decided to swap both the same designs and the problem was solved.

Next week Ms Ferguson won't be in class , so she will be leaving us with some paper designs to continue working in her absence. When next week comes I want to be a true leader and continue to lead my class in the right path. A challenge I found was when I had to design and create the patterns, it was a challenge but I'm always keen for one.

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Man balances lawn mower on chin

IALA: A man being able to balance a powered lawn mower on his chin!

Pushing a lawn more is easy, piece of cake but trying to balance it on your chin is a different story. I mean no one can do that right? Well, if you agreed with me this article is sure to blow your mind away! A man form New York who goes by the name of Ashrita Furman broke a world record of walking 71.52 metres while balancing the lawn mower on his chin. This is surprising as a lawn mower is very heavy and can indeed break your jaw if not an expert. But that didn't stop Ashrita, he didn't mind and still did the dare devilling world record and broke his own record of 20 metres.
Easily beating that and going twice the length. His 20 metres record is still existing, and it shall not be broken until someone with extraordinary talents cane overcome it. To me I find this unbelievable because a lawn mower is extremely heavy and can easily crack a bone or two, how can someone possibly be able to balance it on their chin without having it to lean fro and back. 
This is a very risky move as it could fall and crush him leaving him seriously injured.

Image result for lawn mower

But the brave man didn't worry about anything only breaking a world record. The cause of this extraordinary idea is because he has broken other world records over the years. And who is going to stop a record breaker from breaking records? I estimate he is probably in his mid 50's and at that age with that kind of strength and determination? Oh My GOD! 

Image result for world record

I still hope to see him break other records in the future. "Pushing a Lawn Mower is one thing, but balancing it is another" he recalls. A challenge I found was finding it hard to believe, I mean no one I know can pull this off. 

What do you think about this article? Click HERE to watch the video.
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Blogging Rubric 3

Blog Post 3: Weekend Reflection!
 IALT: Pick three of my blog posts and apply them to where they go in my blogging rubric.

1: Beginner or Basic

Rating 0 /2
2: Stepping Up

Rating 0  /4
3: Smart Learner

Rating 5  /6
My Learning
What have I been learning?
Post describes the learning intention e.g.  I have been learning to…

Includes an image, drawing or a screenshot of my learning

How do I know I have learnt?
Post includes information and ideas that demonstrate my understanding.
e.g. created a DLO that represents my ideas about the learning eg:
video, diagram, infographic

Reflected on my learning:
Post includes new ideas

Describes what I enjoyed or found challenging?
What questions do I still have?
What are my next steps?
What I might do differently next time?

Content and Audience Impact
Recount of my learning or experience, most of my ideas are organised, may have included a photo, illustration or screenshot.

Unique or catchy title, graphics or DLO are original, relevant and add interest or further information.

Post may include embedded html content e.g. collage, video, Google Slide, animation

Content communicates my personality e.g. interests, beliefs, values.
Information and ideas help my audience to understand the learning.
Content is original - created by me.

Punctuation and Spelling
Obvious spelling, punctuation errors. Difficult for the reader to understand, some parts might not make sense.

I have checked for punctuation and spelling. Asked a buddy to read, made corrections, no obvious errors.

Confident all spelling and punctuation is correct and content makes sense for my readers.

Blog Post Layout and Blogger settings
Font sizes and colour may vary and need formatting, images or embedded content might need to be resized. May not include relevant labels or title.

Previewed layout to check position & size of images and embedded html content. Font size and colour are formatted, included title & labels  
Content attributed if not original.  

Media or html content is formatted e.g. size, position and appears when the post loads,
Labels are relevant & improve search. Some posts may be scheduled for publishing.



Grand Total

Here is my last and final blogging rubric. This post is about my Weekend and as the other two, I didn't quite achieve all the things expected in the Smart Learner category. I only missed out on one question which is pretty good as I didn't know what Mrs Shearing was going to put on the rubric, it was a surprise. 
Image result for rubric

My blogging goal is to achieve everything in the Smart Learner column and one day achieve my goal of getting 1,000 blog posts.

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