
Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Going Over Athletics Chant. Tripoli and Alamein Chant War

On Friday last week marked the start of all 4 houses going over their athletic chants. I'm in the best house ALAMEIN which colour is yellow. The other names of the houses are ... Tripoli-Blue Benghazi-Green and Tobruk-Red. Even though my favourite color isn't yellow I still wear it with pride. While practising our chants I was chosen to become one of the leaders, which is a HUGE responsibility. The bad thing about this is that I'm the only year 7 with a big mouth next year, most of the kids in my house are year 8's which means they will be leaving this year and I will take the entire leader next year! As a student leader my role comes with responsibilities and this is one of them. Image result for chants

There is one thing that is getting me more competitive and that is a battle for a chant. Tripoli and Alamein will go all out for the top spot. Whoever wins get's to keep the chant, for good. I didn't realise Tripoli had the same chant until my friend told me. He is the leader of Tripoli and I got the chant form church, and me and him go to the same church... I told him and he got super angry and said he got that chant along time ago!

I didn't care I asked him for a battle for the chant, and he agreed... Wish Alamein luck for the top spot!

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