
Friday, 25 August 2017

Leadership Program Reflection

IALT:  Write about what I learnt during our leader sessions with Ms. Latoya. 

As the leaders of the school, we have to always remain worthy to our roles and always set an example to our following students. So the teachers have made a program where we can learn more and how to act more like a leader. Ms Latoya, who was a former Kiwi Can leader here at our school has taken the time out of her other job to come and teach us more on leadership. I am thankful for her coming here to help us because we need to remember that is always isn't about wearing the badge, but acting upon what we got chosen for.
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So basically, all we talked about was how to be more specific when we give instructions, and why it's so vital. For example, if you tell your class to rip a corner of a piece of paper. They won't know what side, and you won't get what you want. So it's really important to be specific, so that everyone understands clearly. We were told that we are going to lead a class, for Kiwi Can. I didn't really worry too much because I was a leader and I should always be keen to try anything new. 
Image result for Leaders

I teamed up with Kenneth and Siale, because we are all keen to try something new and learn more about how to show more leadership qualities. I learnt that we always have to be specific when we have give out instructions because our class needs to understand what your talking about clearly. I can't wait until I get the chance to shine with my peers.

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Many thanks :) 


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